Kindling The Sparks Of Next Generation
Varied professional experiences form varied insights over education, as well as exclusive vision and mission. Kenny Lam (Fellow 2021-22), former Business Analyst at McKinsey & Company and co-founder of Boundless (NGO), shared his vision——inspires our students.
How Teach For Hong Kong Started
Teach for Hong Kong started by a group of young people with great passion and educational visions. It was originally based on the “Teach for” model in America and it was quite challenging to make it suitable and sustainable under the Hong Kong culture.
Classrooms During COVID-19
Our Fellow, CY Ling, implemented “Flipped Classroom” and it is proved to be effective and innovative compared to the traditional mode of teaching.
Bringing The World To Students With UBS
UBS works with us for the last few years to create life and career education for our students. With the COVID outbreak, we joined hands again to bring this experience into our students' homes.
Making Students Move Again
Natalie (Fellow 2018-20) flipped the convention around and created the first Kinesthetic Classroom in Hong Kong to help kinesthetic learners thrive in traditional schools.
IB For All, Made Affordable
A partner school decided to make IB affordable for all. Janet (Fellow 17-18) joined hands with the school early on and shares her experience from the start.
A Corporate Partnership That Touches The Students
A multi-year partnership with Rockhampton Management has proven that mutually beneficial collaboration can happen between business and education.
“Teaching” to Be A Better Business Leader
Teaching and business seem to be different worlds. But Kelly Lam (Fellow 17-18) manages to leverage her teaching experience into her role as a Management Trainee.
Giving students a brighter future
Karen, a law graduate, ponders how to get her students excited about their future. Her revelation: Teachers need to imagine a future in order for students to imagine their own.
Democratizing emotional education for all
How do our alumni create changes that can ripple the education ecosystem? Raymond and Matthew (Fellow 2017-18) may provide a solution with their social enterprise, Just Feel, to bring emotional education back into classrooms.
Rekindling Students’ Purposes Within
If we can liberate underprivileged students from their confined circumstances, they can discover their purposes and imagine a brighter future, with them on the center stage.
Young Professionals Inject New Energy Into Schools
This article is originally published in the Hong Kong Economic Times. The excerpt above is an English abstract of the original Chinese article. Please click here for the original article.
Future lawyers Tread Into Classrooms
Three law graduates postpone their law career and step into classrooms. They agree that their sacrifices are worth it when students can realize their dreams.