TFHK Campus Leader

Your career in education can go beyond being a teacher

Gain advice from our teaching Fellow alumni currently working in consulting, technology, philanthropy, and social innovation.

Gain career and industry insights

to explore a career in education in diverse industries

Gain scoring advantage

in your Fellowship Application

Understand education at its roots

through visit to school and sharing by education leaders

Join our 4-week campus leader experience

For career exploration in education across various industries


Explore different career possibilities in 4 weeks

Career Mentorship

Join the mentorship group based on your future aspiration, where our Fellowship alumni will guide and develop you professionally and personally.

The 4-week mentorship experience provides you with:

  • Industry knowledge on consulting / technology / philanthropic / social innovation

  • Career advice on building an education career

  • Exclusive access to our extensive network and resources

Education Reality Visit

Understand education at its root with a site visit to one of our partner schools.

Gain insights from top management of the school:

  • Current challenges faced by the industry

  • Innovative solutions

  • Benefit of cross-sector collaboration

Education Equity Advocate

Contribute to education equity with Teach for Hong Kong as a Campus Leader graduate after 4 weeks:

  • Exclusive ongoing access to TFHK Training & Events

  • Volunteer and engage in future TFHK on-campus engagements and events

  • Fast-track application to TFHK Fellowship Program upon graduation from university

Our alumni Possess experiences working in Different Industries

How Do Different sectors Contribute to education in HK?

Education in the Public Sector

Bring in resources like funding, training resources, and various capital support to the education sector.

  • Philanthropies fund projects and organisations to contribute to education. In 2020-21, The Hong Kong Jockey Club alone has invested $494 Million HKD in education projects.

    Working in philanthropies, you will collaborate with diverse stakeholders in society, including Social Enterprises, Schools and Government Bodies, etc., to approve fundings, drive projects, and solve systemic issues in the long run.

    For instance, philanthropies fund non-profit organisations’ daily operational and project expenses, contributing to education on a larger scale.

  • Social Enterprise bridges external resources and support to schools, students and teachers. There are currently 100+ SEs serving in the education sector.

    Social Enterprises offer a wide range of contribution to education, including trainings, workshops, student-centric ECAs, direct donation of resources, etc.

    Working in SEs consists of diverse roles, e.g. Program Management, Fundraising, Marketing. For instance, JustFeel and its Program staff delivers training for teachers, parents and students on effective socio-emotional communication; whilst marketing outreach forms partnership with organisations to make these impact happen in education.

Education in the private sector

Bring in expertise in knowledge or skills to drive innovation for the education sector.

  • Education Technology (EdTech) value adds to education by assisting in the forms of interactive learning platforms; students performance tracking, etc.

    More and more corporates incorporates education with technology, solving pressing current education needs. Frontline education understanding and insights of students, teachers and parents’ difficulties are thus of immense importance and contribution to help design solutions that tackle actual issues.

    For instance, EdTech platforms help teachers track students’ behaviours, reaction, and progress while attempting online homework and tasks contributes directly to teachers’ detailed understanding of students’ learning behaviour and patterns.

  • In the form of Boutique firms, or Management Consulting Firms, consulting plays a huge role in improving operational processes for educational institutions or companies.

    Check this article on how McKinsey spearhead the change for K-12 education system amid COVID-19

Discover the unlimited possibilities in your career

Open for university students from all disciplines

Get advice from our alumni and gain insights on education realities today

Application deadline: 6th May, 2022 23:59 HKT

Frequently Asked Questions


  • Not at all. No matter your academic background, we hope to offer career support and industry knowledge in diverse sectors.

  • Not at all! No matter which career pathway you aspire to go into, we hope you can explore different aspects of how your industry contributes to education through TFHK Campus Leader.

About the experience

  • You can expect around 1-2 engagements per week in this 4-week experience.

    Career Mentorship will begin after the onboarding meeting. You will be assigned to your mentorship group on WhatsApp after the onboarding meeting. Feel free to schedule the career mentorship meetings with your group at everyone’s availability.

    The onboarding and wrap-up meetings are scheduled as stated above on the timeline.

  • Based on your indicated preference on 1) track preference; 2) career aspiration; 3) academic background, we will match you with the career mentors according to their background and experience, so as to offer you the most relevant career advice.

    As an example, you will be matched to public sector mentors if you indicate your career aspiration to be on social enterprise.

  • ‘Education Equity Advocate’ is for TFHK Campus Leaders to contribute to education equity on campus as a TFHK campus ambassador after the 4-week experience.

    You will represent TFHK as a walking brand at various campus engagements, promoting education equity and attract like-minded students to join us.

    For instance, you can contribute by promoting TFHK Fellowship Program (and other initiatives) on campus engagements, e.g. short lecture presentation class-wash, event engagement, other physical and online promotion, etc.

Application Journey

  • To apply, simply fill out the application form on the above section.

    You will then receive an email confirming your application. You will be asked to send us your updated CV by replying to this confirmation email.

    With limited positions available, we will then review your application and get back to you of your application status by the first week of May.